Nursing Bra Tips

Should I buy a nursing bra in preparation before my baby arrives?

Absolutely yes. Toward the end of the 3rd trimester, buy 2-3 light support bras (usually sized S, M, L, XL, XXL, etc.) These types of bras are perfect for sleeping and lounging during the first week of nursing while waiting for your milk to come in, and for night time nursing and leakage control later.

Do not buy a bra with specific-inch measurements until postpartum day seven. Usually milk comes in between postpartum day two and five and your breast will feel engorged (the biggest breasts your body has ever known). By day seven, any engorgement is gone, your breasts will remain this full throughout breastfeeding and your ribcage, which spread during pregnancy, has begun to decrease.  This is the time for a fitting of a daytime bra, a bra with a back hook adjustment and specific band sizing, i.e. 34, 36.   Because there is no standardization of bra sizings within the industry two different style bras of the same size, even by the same manufacturer, will often not fit the same, so visiting a store with certified fitters or a website where a fitter is available to assist through email or phone communication will save a lot of frustration and money in returns for new, busy moms. A properly fitted bra will not ride up your back (means it is too large around) or cut in under your breast (means it is too small)

Underwires are generally not recommended during the first 6 months because of possible restriction of the milk ducts, and they are generally extremely uncomfortable during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.  No room for wires and a blossoming belly!

Pass by Destination Maternity or Marks and Spencer at 360 Mall for a bra fitting!

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