How to take a baby on an Airplane

Flying as a parent is usually a tad bit stressful with a couple of worries always in the back of your head. What if I don’t pack enough diapers, what if he doesn’t sleep on the flight, and the nightmare of all parents is what if he does not stop crying! We have realized that a little planning does go a long way when traveling with babies.


Before your trip, make a list of things you will need on the plane. Make sure you are not distracted when making it so you don’t forget anything. To keep your hands free as possible use a backpack as your carry on and fill it with your purse essentials and baby must haves.




  • Diapers (1 for every hour of travel )
  • Wipes
  • Diaper cream
  • Infant pain reliever
  • A few sets of clothing (this varies depending on the length of the flight)
  • A favorite toy, blanket or other security item.
  • Burp cloth and bibs
  •  Baby bottles if you are not nursing  (these also varies depending on the length of your flight)
  • A pacifier if your baby takes one. Sucking can help with ear pain during take off and landing. If your baby doesn’t use a pacifier give him a bottle of nurse him during take off and landing


Most airlines allow you to keep you baby in his stroller right up to the boarding gate and check it in with the luggage at the last possible second. We have noticed that you can get away with some strollers getting stored in the over head storage compartment such as the Baby Zen stroller because its so small. We would suggest that you take a baby carrier with you, as some airlines don’t give you the stroller at the gate, you will have to pick it up with your luggage.


If your baby is too big for the cot provided on the airlines the most stress free and comfortable thing to do is to buy your baby his own seat rather than having him on your lap the whole time. Buying your baby his own seat will allow you to place him in his infant car seat during the trip, which will also keep him calm and less fussy.


These are a few helpful suggestions to make your flight easier. Every parent is different there for you prepare what you need and what you consider baby essentials.


What tips do you have for a parent traveling with their baby?

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